List of Publications
For citation statistics, please visit my Researchgate page or Google Scholar page.
Journal Articles
T. Liu, A. Abouzeid, A.A. Julius, Traffic Flow Control in
Vehicular Multi-Hop Networks with Data Caching, to appear in IEEE Trans. Mobile
Computing, 2018.
Z. Xu, A.A. Julius, J. H. Chow, Energy Storage Controller
Synthesis for Power Systems with Temporal Logic Specifications, to appear on
IEEE Systems Journal, available online on IEEE Xplore, 2018.
Z. Xu, S. Saha, B. Hu, S. Mishra, A.A. Julius, Advisory
Temporal Logic Inference and Controller Design for Semiautonomous Robots, to
appear in IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering, 2018.
Z. Xu, A.A. Julius, J. H. Chow, Robust testing of cascading
failure mitigations based on power dispatch and quick-start storage, IEEE
Systems Journal, vol. 12(4), pp. 3063-3074, 2018.
S. Saha, A.A. Julius, Task and Motion Planning for Manipulator Arms With Metric Temporal Logic Specifications, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters, vol. 3(1), pp. 379-386, 2018.
Z. Xu, A.A. Julius, Census Signal Temporal Logic inference
for multi-agent group behavior analysis, IEEE Trans. Automation Science and
Engineering, vol. 15(1), pp. 264-277, 2018.
J.D. Ravichandar, A.G. Bower, A.A. Julius, C.H. Collins,
Transcriptional control of motility enabled directional movement of E. coli in
a signal gradient, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, Article number 8959, 2017.
W. Qiao, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Entrainment control of phase
dynamics, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 63(1), pp. 445-450, 2017.
Z. Xu, M. Birtwistle, C. Belta, A.A. Julius, A novel
temporal logic inference approach for model discrimination, IEEE Life Science
Letters, vol. 2(3), pp.19-22, 2016.
A.A. Julius, J.X. Zhang, W. Qiao, J.T. Wen, Multi-input
Adaptive Notch Filter and observer for circadian phase estimation, Int. J.
Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 30(8-10), pp. 1375-1388, 2016.
J.X. Zhang, W. Qiao, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Light-Based
Circadian Rhythm Control: Entrainment and Optimization, Automatica, vol. 68,
pp. 44-55, 2016.
Y. Deng, A. D'Innocenzo, M.D. DiBenedetto, S. Di Gennaro,
A.A. Julius, Verification of hybrid automata diagnosability with measurement
uncertainty, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 61(4), pp. 982-993, 2016.
P.S. Kim, A.T. Becker, Y. Ou, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim,
Imparting magnetic dipole heterogeneity to internalized iron oxide
nanoparticles for microorganism swarm control, in J. Nanoparticle Research,
vol. 17(3), DOI:
10.1007/s11051-014-2746-y, 2015.
A.K. Winn, A.A. Julius, Safety controller synthesis using
human generated trajectories, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 60(6), pp.
1597-1610, 2015.
U.K. Cheang, K.W. Lee, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, Multiple-robot
drug delivery strategy through coordinated teams of microswimmers, Applied
Physics Letters, 105, p. 083705, doi: 10.1063/1.4893695, 2014.
S. Afshari, S. Mishra, A.A. Julius, F. Lizzaralde, J. Wason,
J.T. Wen, Modeling and control of color tunable lighting systems, Energy and
Buildings, vol. 68A, pp. 242-253, 2014.
Y. Ou, D.H. Kim, P.S. Kim, M.J. Kim, A.A. Julius, Motion
control of magnetized Tetrahymena pyriformis cells by magnetic field with Model
Predictive Control (MPC), Int. J. Robotics Research, 32(1), pp. 129-139, 2013.
G. Richard, C. Belta, A.A. Julius, S. Amar, Controlling the
outcome of the Toll-like signaling pathways, PLoS ONE, Vol. 7(2), e31341, 2012.
D.H. Kim, P.S. Kim, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, Three-dimensional
control of Tetrahymena pyriformis using artificial magnetotaxis, Applied
Physics Letters, Vol. 100, 053702, 2012.
T.J. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Y. Peles, M.K. Jensen,
Stability analysis and maldistribution control of two-phase flow in parallel
evaporating channels, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, pp. 5298-5305, 2011.
M.S. Sakar, E.B. Steager, D.H. Kim, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim,
V. Kumar, G.J. Pappas, Modeling, control, and experimental characterization of
microbiorobots, Int. Journal on Robotics Research, 30(6), pp. 647-658, 2011.
M.M. Zavlanos, A.A. Julius, S.P. Boyd, G.J. Pappas,
Inferring stable genetic networks from steady- state data, Automatica, 47(6),
pp. 1113-1122, Special Issue on Systems Biology, 2011.
A.A. Julius, M. Zavlanos, S.P. Boyd, G.J. Pappas, Genetic
network identification using convex programming, in IET Systems Biology, 3(3),
pp. 155-166, 2009.
A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas, Approximate abstraction of
stochastic hybrid systems, in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 55(6), pp.
1093-1203, 2009.
A.A. Julius, A. D’Innocenzo, M.D. DiBenedetto, G.J. Pappas,
Approximate equivalence and synchronization of metric transition systems,
Systems and Control Letters, vol.58 pp. 94-101, 2009.
P. Tabuada, A.D. Ames, A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas, Approximate
reduction of dynamical systems, in Systems and Control Letters, 57(7), 538-545,
July 2008.
A.A. Julius, A. Halasz, M.S. Sakar, H. Rubin, V. Kumar, G.J.
Pappas, Stochastic modeling and control of biological systems: the lactose
regulation system of Escherichia coli, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 53(1),
pp. 51-65, joint special issue with IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, 2008.
A.A. Julius, J.W. Polderman, A.J. van der Schaft,
Parametrization of the regular equivalences of the canonical controller, IEEE
Trans. Automatic Control, 53(4), pp. 1032 - 1036, 2008.
A. Girard, A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas, Approximate simulation
relations for hybrid systems, in Int. J. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems,
18(2):163-179, June 2008.
A.A. Julius, J.C. Willems, M.N. Belur, H.L. Trentelman, The
canonical controllers and regular interconnection, in Systems and Control
Letters, 8(54), pp 787-797, August 2005.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Z. Xu, A.A. Julius, J.H. Chow, Coordinated Control of Wind
Turbine Generator and Energy Storage System for Frequency Regulation under
Temporal Logic Specifications, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp.
1580-1585, Milwaukee, WI, 2018.
Z. Xu, Y. Deng, A.A. Julius, Robust Temporal Logic Inference
for Hybrid System Observation– An Application on Occupancy Detection of Smart
Buildings, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 610-615, Milwaukee, WI,
A.A. Julius, J. Yin, J. T. Wen, Time-Optimal Control for
Circadian Entrainment for a Model with Circadian and Sleep Dynamics, in Proc.
IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
Z. Xu, S. Saha, A.A. Julius, Provably Correct Design of
Observations for Fault Detection with Privacy Preservation, in Proc. IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
T. Liu, A. Abouzeid,
A.A. Julius, Infrastructure Bandwidth Allocation for Social Welfare
Maximization in Future Connected Autonomous Vehicular Networks, in Proc. ACM
Int. Workshop on Connected and Automated Vehicle Mobility, Snowbird, UT, 2017.
M.H. Jahnes, D.J. Glowny, T.A. Spafford, J.L. Clough, E.S.
Herkenham, W. Wu, A.A. Julius, Generating enthusiasm for mathematics through
robotics, in Proc. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, 2017.
Z. Xu, A.A. Julius, J. H. Chow, Optimal energy storage
control for frequency regulation under temporal logic specifications, in Proc.
American Control Conference, pp. 1874-1879, Seattle, WA, 2017.
T. Liu, A.A. Abouzeid, A.A. Julius, Traffic flow control in
vehicular communication networks, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp.
5513-5518, Seattle, WA, 2017.
S. Saha, A.A. Julius, An MILP approach for real-time optimal
controller synthesis with Metric Temporal Logic specifications, in Proc.
American Control Conference, pp. 1105-1110, Boston, MA, 2016.
Y. Deng, A. D’Innocenzo, A.A. Julius, Trajectory-based
observer for hybrid automata fault diagnosis, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, pp. 942-947, Osaka, Japan, 2015.
Z. Xu, C. Belta, A.A. Julius, Temporal Logic Inference with
Prior Information: An Application to Robot Arm Movements, in Proc. 5th IFAC
Conf. Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 2015), pp. 141-146, Atlanta,
GA, 2015.
H. Kim, U. K. Cheang, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, Dynamic
obstacle avoidance for bacteria-powered microrobots, in Proc.
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligence Robots and Systems (IROS 2015), Hamburg,
Germany, 2015.
A. L. Sinkoe, A.A. Julius, J. Hahn, Identifying potential
regulatory interactions of the MAPK-associated gene network, in Proc.
Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2015), Boston, MA, 2015.
Z. Xu, M. Birtwistle, C. Belta, A.A. Julius, Temporal logic inference for model
discrimination an application on the ERK pathway, in Proc. Foundations of
Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2015), Boston, MA, 2015. (invited to
submit to a special issue of IEEE Life Sciences Letters)
Y. Ou, P. Kang, M.J. Kim, A.A. Julius, Algorithms for
simultaneous motion control of multiple T. pyriformis cells: Model predictive
control and Particle Swarm Optimization, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and
Automation (ICRA 2015), pp. 3507-3512, Seattle, WA, 2015.
Y. Deng, A.A. Julius, A. D’Innocenzo, Probabilistic
diagnosability of hybrid systems, in Proc. Hybrid Systems: Computation and
Control, pp. 88-97, Seattle, WA, 2015.
S. Saha, A.A. Julius, Trajectory-based formal controller
synthesis for multi-link robots with elastic joints, in Proc IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, pp. 830 – 835, Los Angeles, CA, 2014.
H. Abbas, A.K. Winn, G. Fainekos, A.A. Julius, Functional
gradient descent method for Metric Temporal Logic specifications, in Proc.
American Control Conference, pp. 2312-2317, Portland, OR, 2014.
A.A. Julius and A. D'Innocenzo, Combining analytical
technique and randomized algorithm in safety verification of stochastic hybrid
systems, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 1438-1443, Portland, OR,
Y. Deng and A.A. Julius, Safe neighborhood computation for
hybrid systems verification, in Proc. 4th Workshop on Hybrid Autonomous Systems
(HAS 2014), Grenoble, France, 2014.
A.A. Julius and M. Inoue, Sampling criteria that preserve
monotone regulation in gene regulatory networks, in Proc. Int. Symposium
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), Groningen, The
Netherlands, 2014. (extended abstract and oral presentation)
A.K. Winn and A.A. Julius, Feedback control law generation
for safety controller synthesis, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, pp.
3912 – 3917, Florence, Italy, 2013.
Z.X. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Optimal and feedback
control for light-based circadian entrainment, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, pp. 2677-2682, Florence, Italy, 2013.
G. Richard, A.A. Julius, C. Belta, Optimizing regulation
functions in gene network identification, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, pp. 745-750, Florence, Italy, 2013.
A. Becker, Y. Ou, P.S. Kim, M.J. Kim, A.A. Julius, Feedback
control of many magnetized Tetrahymena pyriformis cells by exploiting phase
inhomogeneity, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligence Robots and Systems
(IROS 2013), pp. 3317 – 3323, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
P.S. Kim, A. Becker, Y. Ou, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, Swarm
control of cell-based microrobots using a single global magnetic field, in
Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI
2013), Jeju, South Korea, 2013.
Y. Deng, A. Rajhans, A.A. Julius, STRONG: A trajectory-based
verification toolbox for hybrid systems, in Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2013), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.
A.K. Winn, A.A. Julius, Optimization of human generated
trajectories for safety controller synthesis, in Proc. American Control
Conference, pp. 4374-4379, Washington DC, 2013.
Z.X. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Adaptive circadian
argument estimator and its application to circadian argument control, in Proc.
American Control Conference, pp. 2295-2300, Washington DC, 2013.
J.X Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Adaptive circadian rhythm
estimator and its application to locomotor activity, in Proc. IEEE Signal
Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium, pp. 1-6, New York, NY, 2012.
J.X. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Optimal circadian rhythm
control with light input for rapid entrainment and improved vigilance, in Proc.
IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 3007-3012, Maui, HI, 2012.
A. Winn, X. Gao, S. Mishra, A.A. Julius, Learning potential
functions by demonstration for path planning, in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, pp. 4654-4659, Maui, HI, 2012.
Y. Ou, D.H. Kim, P.S. Kim, M.J. Kim, A.A. Julius, Motion
control of Tetrahymena pyriformis cells with artificial magnetotaxis: Model
Predictive Control (MPC) approach, in the Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Robotics and
Automation, pp. 2492 - 2497, St. Paul, USA, 2012.
D.H. Kim, P.S. Kim, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, Three-dimensional
control of engineered motile cellular microrobots, in the Proc. IEEE Intl.
Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 721 - 726, St. Paul, USA, 2012.
S. Afshari, S. Mishra, A.A. Julius, F. Lizzaralde, J.T. Wen,
Modeling and feedback control of color-tunable LED lighting systems, in the
Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 3663-3668, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
A.A. Julius, A.K. Winn, Safety controller synthesis using
human generated trajectories: nonlinear dynamics with feedback linearization
and differential flatness, in the Proc. American Control Conference, pp.
709-714, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
Q. Wang, Y. Ou, A.A. Julius, K. Boyer, M.J. Kim, Tracking
Tetrahymena pyriformis cells using decision trees, in the Proc. 21st Int. Conf.
Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012.
G. Richard, H.J. Chang, I. Cizelj, C. Belta, A.A. Julius, S.
Amar, Integration of large-scale metabolic, signaling, and gene regulatory
networks with application to infection responses, in the Proc. 50th IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, Orlando, USA, 2011.
N.G. Cooper, C. Belta, A.A. Julius, Genetic regulatory
network identification using multivariate monotone functions, in the Proc. 50th
IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Orlando, USA, 2011.
A.A. Julius, C. Belta, Genetic regulatory network
identification using monotone functions decomposition, in the Proc. IFAC World
Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011.
H. Chang, G. Richard, A.A. Julius, C. Belta, S. Amar, An
application of monotone functions decomposition for reconstruction of gene
regulatory network, in the Proc. 33rd Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Conf. (EMBC), Boston, USA, 2011.
N.G. Cooper, A.A. Julius, Bacterial persistence:
mathematical modeling and optimal treatment strategy, in the Proc. American
Control Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2011.
J.X. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Modeling of Drosophila circadian system based on locomotor activity, in the Proc. American Control Conference, San Francisco,
USA, 2011.
M.M. Zavlanos, A.A. Julius, Robust flux balance analysis of
metabolic networks, in the Proc. American Control Conference, San Francisco,
USA, 2011.
D.H. Kim, S. Brigandi, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, Real-time
feedback control using artificial magnetotaxis with rapidly-exploring random
tree (RRT) for Tetrahymena pyriformis as a microbiorobot, in the Proc. IEEE
International Conf. Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, 2011.
A.A. Julius, S. Afshari, Using computer games for hybrid
systems controller synthesis, in the Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.
J.X. Zhang, A. Bierman, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, M. Figueiro,
Circadian system modeling and phase control, in the Proc. 49th IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.
T.J. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Extremum seeking
Micro-Thermal-Fluid control for active two-phase microelectronics cooling, in
the Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.
A.A. Julius, Trajectory-based controller design for hybrid
systems with affine continuous dynamics, in the Proc. 6th IEEE Conf. Automation
Science and Engineering, Toronto, Canada, 2010.
M.S. Sakar, E.B. Steager, A.A. Julius, M.J. Kim, V. Kumar,
G.J. Pappas., Biosensing and actuation for microbiorobots, in the Proc. IEEE
Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation, Alaska, USA, 2010.
T.J. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, H. Bai., Parallel-channel
flow instabilities and active control schemes in two-phase microchannel heat
exchanger systems, in the Proc. American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA,
A.A. Julius, S. Sawyer, Control systems challenges in energy
efficient portable UV-based water sterilizer, in the Proc. American Control
Conference, Baltimore, USA, 2010.
A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas, Trajectory based verification
using local finite-time invariance, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5469, pp. 223-236, Springer Verlag,
A.A. Julius, M.S. Sakar, E. Steager, M.J. Kim, V. Kumar,
G.J. Pappas., Harnessing bacterial power for micromanipulation and transport,
in the Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan, 2009.
A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas., Probabilistic testing for
stochastic hybrid systems, in the Proc. 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control,
Cancun, Mexico, 2008.
A.A. Julius, M. Imielinski, G.J. Pappas., Analysis of
metabolic networks using convex programming, in the Proc. 47th IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008.
M.M. Zavlanos, A.A. Julius, S.P. Boyd and G.J. Pappas.,
Identification of stable genetic networks using convex programming, in the
Proc. American Control Conference, Seattle, USA, 2008.
A.A. Julius, M.S. Sakar, A. Bemporad, G.J. Pappas, Hybrid
model predictive control of induction of Escherichia coli, in the Proc. 46th
IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 2007.
A. D’Innocenzo, A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas, M.D. Di Benedetto,
S. Di Gennaro, Verification of temporal properties on hybrid automata by
simulation relations, in the Proc. 46th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, New
Orleans, USA, 2007.
A. D’Innocenzo, A.A. Julius, M.D. Di Benedetto, G.J. Pappas,
Approximate timed abstractions of hybrid automata, in the Proc. 46th IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 2007.
A.A. Julius, A. Halasz, V. Kumar, G.J. Pappas, Controlling
biological systems: the lactose regulation system of Escherichia coli, in the
Proc. American Control Conference, New York, USA, 2007.
A.A. Julius, G. Fainekos, M. Anand, I. Lee, G.J. Pappas,
Model-based Robust Test Generation and Coverage for Hybrid Systems, in Hybrid
Systems: Computation and Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4416,
pp. 329-342, Springer Verlag, 2007.
A.A. Julius, Approximate abstraction of stochastic hybrid
automata, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science vol. 3927, pp. 318-332, Springer Verlag, 2006.
A.A. Julius, A. Halasz, V. Kumar, G.J. Pappas., Finite state
abstraction of a stochastic model of the lactose regulation system of
Escherichia coli, in the Proc. 45th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego,
USA, 2006.
A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas., Approximate equivalence and
approximate synchronization of metric transition systems, in the Proc. 45th
IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 2006.
P. Tabuada, A. Ames, A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas., Approximate
reduction of dynamical systems, in the Proc. 45th IEEE Conf. Decision and
Control, San Diego, USA, 2006.
A. Girard, A.A. Julius, G.J. Pappas., Approximate simulation
relations for hybrid systems, in the Proc. IFAC Conf. Analysis and Design of
Hybrid Systems, Alghero, Italy, 2006.
A.A. Julius, A. Girard, G.J. Pappas., Approximate
bisimulation for a class of stochastic hybrid systems, in the Proc. American
Control Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 2006.
S.N. Strubbe, A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft, Value passing for communicating piecewise deterministic Markov Processes, in the Proc. American
Control Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 2006.
A.A. Julius, M.N. Belur, Behavioral control in the presence
of disturbances, in the Proc. 44th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Seville,
Spain, 2005.
A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft, Bisimulation as congruence
in the behavioral setting, in the Proc. 44th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control,
Seville, Spain, 2005.
A.A. Julius, J.W. Polderman, A.J. van der Schaft, Controller
with minimal interaction, in the Proc. IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech
Republic, 2005.
A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft, State maps of general
behaviors, their lattice structure and bisimulations, in the Proc. Conference
on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft, A behavioral framework for
compositionality: linear systems, discrete event systems and hybrid systems, in
the Proc. Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven,
Belgium, 2004.
J.C. Willems, M.N. Belur, A.A. Julius, H.L. Trentelman, The
canonical controller and its regularity, in the Proc. 42nd IEEE Conf. Decision
and Control, pp 1639-1644, Hawaii, USA, 2003.
A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft, Compatibility of
behavioral interconnections, in the Proc. European Control Conf., Cambridge,
UK, 2003.
S.N. Strubbe, A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft,
Communicating Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes, in the Proc. IFAC Conf.
Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, pp 349-354, St. Malo, France, 2003.
A.A. Julius, S.N.Strubbe, A.J. van der Schaft, Control of
hybrid behavioral automata by interconnection, in the Proc. IFAC Conf. Analysis
and Design of Hybrid Systems, pp 135-140, St. Malo, France, 2003.
A.J. van der Schaft, A.A. Julius, Achievable behavior by
composition, in the Proc. 41st IEEE Conf.Decision and Control, pp 7-12, Las
Vegas, USA, 2002.
A.A. Julius, A.J. van der Schaft, The maximal controlled
invariant sets of switched linear systems, in the Proc. 41st IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, pp 3174-3179, Las Vegas, USA, 2002.
O.E. Kaiser, A.A. Julius, S. Pietrzko, M. Morari,
Uncontrollable modes in double wall panels, in the Proc. 17th Int. Congress on
Acoustics, Paper no. 7P.09., Rome, Italy, 2001.
Book Chapters
P.S.S. Kim, A.T. Becker, Y. Ou, D. H. Kim, A.A. Julius, M-J.
Kim, Magnetic swarm control of microorganisms, in Microbiorobotics 2ed, 2017.
H. Kim, A.A. Julius, M-J. Kim, Obstacle avoidance for
bacteria-powered microrobots, in Microbiorobotics 2ed, 2017.
A.A. Julius, Trajectory-based theory for hybrid systems, in
Mathematical Control Theory I: Nonlinear and Hybrid Control Systems, 2015.
A.A. Julius, M.S. Sakar, E.B. Steager, G.J. Pappas, V.
Kumar, Stochastic models and control of bacterial bioactuators and
biomicrorobots, in Microbiorobotics , 2012.
A.A. Julius, On the Interconnection and Equivalence of Continuous and Discrete Systems, Doctoral Dissertation, Dept. Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, 2005. Committee members: Arjan van der Schaft (promotor), Jan Willems, Ed Brinksma, Hans Schumacher, Jan Willem Polderman. Rom Langerak, George Pappas.
J.X. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A.A. Julius, Circadian Phase Estimation, Modeling and Control, patent filed on June 4th 2013.