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I wrote a textbook called Computer Vision for Visual Effects, which was published by Cambridge University Press in Fall 2012. The book describes classical computer vision algorithms used on a regular basis in Hollywood (such as blue-screen matting, structure from motion, optical flow, and feature tracking) and exciting recent developments that form the basis for future effects (such as natural image matting, multi-image compositing, image retargeting, and view synthesis). It also discusses the technologies behind motion capture and three-dimensional data acquisition. More than 200 original images demonstrating principles, algorithms, and results, along with in-depth interviews with Hollywood visual effects artists, tie the mathematical concepts to real-world filmmaking. Check it out! |
S. Karanam, Y. Li, and R.J. Radke, Person Re-Identification with Discriminatively Trained Viewpoint Invariant Dictionaries. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), December 2015.
S. Afshari, T.-K. Woodstock, M.H.T. Imam, S. Mishra, A.C. Sanderson, and R.J. Radke, The Smart Conference Room: An Integrated System Testbed for Efficient, Occupancy-Aware Lighting Control. ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2015
S. Karanam, Y. Li, and R.J. Radke, Particle Dynamics and Multi-Channel Feature Dictionaries for Robust Visual Tracking. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 2015. See also the supplementary material and accompanying videos.
Y. Li, Z. Wu, S. Karanam, and R.J. Radke, Multi-Shot Human Re-Identification Using Adaptive Fisher Discriminant Analysis. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 2015.
S. Karanam, Y. Li, and R.J. Radke, Sparse Re-Id: Block Sparsity for Person Re-Identification. IEEE/ISPRS 2nd Joint Workshop on Multi-Sensor Fusion for Dynamic Scene Understanding (MSF 15), in conjunction with CVPR 15, June 2015.
Z. Wu, Y. Li, and R.J. Radke, Viewpoint Invariant Human Re-Identification in Camera Networks Using Pose Priors and Subject-Discriminative Features. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 1095-1108, May 2015. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
D. Kruse, R.J. Radke, and J.T. Wen, Collaborative Human-Robot Manipulation of Highly Deformable Materials. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2015.
Y. Li, Z. Wu, and R.J. Radke, Multi-Shot Re-Identification with Random-Projection-Based Random Forests. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2015, January 2015.
D. Kruse, J.T. Wen, and R.J. Radke, A Sensor-Based Dual-Arm Tele-Robotic System. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 4-18, January 2015. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
Y. Li, Z. Wu, S. Karanam, and R.J. Radke, Real-World Re-Identification in an Airport Camera Network. Eighth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), November 2014 (invited paper).
S. Afshari, L. Jia, R.J. Radke, and S. Mishra, Light Field Estimation and Control Using a Graphical Rendering Engine. Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 2014, October 2014.
J.J. Rainey, A.M. Cheriyadat, R.J. Radke, J.S. Crumly, and D.B. Koch, Estimating Contact Rates at a Mass Gathering by Using Video Analysis: a Proof-of-Concept Project. BMC Public Health. Vol. 14, No. 1101, pp. 1-6, October 24, 2014. Journal-formatted version at Biomed Central (subscription required).
Z. Wu and R.J. Radke, Improving Counterflow Detection in Dense Crowds with Scene Features. Pattern Recognition Letters, Special Issue on Pattern Recognition and Crowd Analysis, Vol. 44, pp. 152-160, July 15, 2014. Journal-formatted version at ScienceDirect (subscription required).
L. Jia, S. Afshari, S. Mishra and R.J. Radke, Simulation for Pre-Visualizing and Tuning Lighting Controller Behavior. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 70, pp. 287-302, February 2014. Journal-formatted version at ScienceDirect (subscription required).
L. Jia and R.J. Radke, Using Time-of-Flight Measurements for Privacy-Preserving Tracking in a Smart Room. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 689-696, February 2014. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
D. Kruse, R.J. Radke, and J.T. Wen, A Sensor-based Dual-Arm Tele-Robotic Manipulation Platform. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Madison, WI, August 2013.
Z. Wu and R.J. Radke, Keeping a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Calibrated. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 1994-2007, August 2013. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
L. Rivera, E. Yorke, A. Kowalski, J. Yang, R.J. Radke, and A. Jackson, Reduced-Order Constrained Optimization (ROCO): Clinical Application to Head-and-Neck IMRT. Medical Physics, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 021715-1-12, February 2013. Journal-formatted version at Medical Physics Online (subscription required).
S. Chen, D. Cremers, and R.J. Radke, Image Segmentation with One Shape Prior - A Template-Based Formulation. Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 1032-1042, December 2012. Journal-formatted version at Science Direct (subscription required).
D. Doria and R.J. Radke, Filling Large Holes in LiDAR Data By Inpainting Depth Gradients. Workshop on Point Cloud Processing in Computer Vision (PCP2012), in conjunction with CVPR 2012, June 2012.
Z. Wu and R.J. Radke, Using Scene Features to Improve Wide-Area Video Surveillance. Workshop on Camera Networks and Wide Area Scene Analysis, in conjunction with CVPR 2012, June 2012.
E.R. Smith, R.J. Radke and C.V. Stewart, Physical Scale Keypoints: Matching and Registration for Combined Intensity/Range Images. International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 2-17, March 2012. Journal-formatted version at SpringerLink (subscription required). Code for this project is available here.
Z. Wu and R.J. Radke, Real-Time Airport Security Checkpoint Surveillance Using a Camera Network. Workshop on Camera Networks and Wide Area Scene Analysis, in conjunction with CVPR 2011, June 2011.
H. Stabenau, L. Rivera, E. Yorke, J. Yang, R. Lu, R. Radke, and A. Jackson, Reduced Order Constrained Optimization (ROCO): Clinical Application to Lung IMRT. Medical Physics, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 2731-2741, May 2011. Journal-formatted version at Medical Physics Online (subscription required).
A. Mukherjee, B. Jenkins, C. Fang, R.J. Radke, G. Banker, and B. Roysam, Automated Kymograph Analysis for Profiling Axonal Transport of Secretory Granules. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 354--367, June 2011. Journal-formatted version at Science Direct (subscription required).
S. Chen, D.M. Lovelock, and R.J. Radke, Segmenting the Prostate and Rectum in CT Imagery using Anatomical Constraints. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-11, February 2011. Journal-formatted version at Science Direct (subscription required).
S. Chen, G. Charpiat, and R.J. Radke, Converting Level Set Gradients to Shape Gradients. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2010, September 2010.
Y. Jeong, R.J. Radke, and D.M. Lovelock, Bilinear Models for Inter- and Intra-Patient Variation of the Prostate, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 55, No. 13, pp. 3725-3739, July 7, 2010. Journal-formatted version at Institute of Physics (subscription required).
E.R. Smith, C.V. Stewart, and R.J. Radke, Physical Scale Intensity-Based Keypoints, 5th International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT 2010), May 2010.
D. Doria and R.J. Radke, Consistency and Confidence: A Dual Metric for Verifying 3D Object Detections in Multiple LiDAR Scans, International Workshop on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling 2009, October 2009.
J. Becker, C.V. Stewart and R.J. Radke, LiDAR Inpainting from a Single Image, International Workshop on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling 2009, October 2009
S. Chen and R.J. Radke, Level Set Segmentation with Both Shape and Intensity Priors. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2009, September 2009.
A.M. Cheriyadat and R.J. Radke, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization of Partial Track Data for Motion Segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2009, September 2009. Videos page.
S. Chen and R.J. Radke, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Shape Sampling using Level Sets, Second Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment (NORDIA), in conjunction with International Conference on Computer Vision 2009, September 2009.
R. Radke, A Survey of Distributed Computer Vision Algorithms. Book chapter in Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Springer 2009. Buy it at Amazon.
R. Radke, Multiview Geometry for Camera Networks. Book chapter in Multi-Camera Networks: Concepts and Applications, Elsevier 2009. Buy it at Amazon.
R. Lu, R.J. Radke, J. Yang, L. Happersett, E. Yorke, and A. Jackson, Reduced-Order Constrained Optimization for IMRT Planning, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 53, No. 23, pp. 6749-6766, December 7, 2008. Journal-formatted version at Institute of Physics (subscription required).
D. Devarajan, Z. Cheng, and R.J. Radke, Calibrating Distributed Camera Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Distributed Smart Cameras, Vol. 96, No. 10, pp. 1625-1639, October 2008. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
A.M. Cheriyadat and R.J. Radke, Detecting Dominant Motions in Dense Crowds. IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Distributed Processing in Vision Networks, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 568-581, August 2008. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
T. Yapo, C.V. Stewart, and R.J. Radke, A Probabilistic Representation of LiDAR Range Data for Efficient 3D Object Detection. Proceedings of the S3D (Search in 3D) Workshop 2008, in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 2008, June 2008.
A.M. Cheriyadat, B.L. Bhaduri, and R.J. Radke, Detecting Multiple Moving Objects in Crowded Environments with Coherent Motion Regions. Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision (POCV), in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 2008, June 2008. Videos page.
E.R. Smith, B.J. King, C.V. Stewart, and R.J. Radke, Registration of Combined Range-Intensity Scans: Initialization Through Verification. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 110, No. 2, pp. 226-244, May 2008. Journal-formatted version at ScienceDirect (subscription required).
A. Cheriyadat and R.J. Radke, Automatically Determining Dominant Motions in Crowded Scenes by Clustering Partial Feature Trajectories. Proceedings of the First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC-07), September 2007.
Y. Jeong and R.J. Radke, Reslicing Axially-Sampled 3D Shapes Using Elliptic Fourier Descriptors. Elsevier Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 197-206, April 2007. Journal-formatted version at Science Direct (subscription required).
R. Lu, R.J. Radke, L. Happersett, C.-S. Chui, J. Xiong, E. Yorke, and A. Jackson, Reduced-Order Optimization for Simplifying Prostate IMRT Planning, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 849-870, February 7, 2007. Journal-formatted version at Institute of Physics (subscription required).
Dhanya Devarajan and Richard J. Radke, Calibrating Distributed Camera Networks Using Belief Propagation. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing: Special Issue on Visual Sensor Networks, Volume 2007, Article ID 60696, 10 pages. Journal-formatted version at Eurasip JASP (open access).
Zhaolin Cheng, Dhanya Devarajan, and Richard J. Radke, Determining Vision Graphs for Distributed Camera Networks Using Feature Digests. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing: Special Issue on Visual Sensor Networks, Volume 2007, Article ID 57034, 11 pages. Journal-formatted version at Eurasip JASP (open access).
Dhanya Devarajan, Richard J. Radke, and Haeyong Chung, Distributed Metric Calibration of Ad-Hoc Camera Networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 380-403, August 2006. Journal-formatted version at ACM Digital Library (subscription required).
Yongwon Jeong and Richard J. Radke, Modeling Inter- and Intra-Patient Anatomical Variation Using a Bilinear Model. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 06), in conjunction with CVPR 06, New York, NY, 8 pages.
Omar Al-Kofahi, Richard J. Radke, Badri Roysam, and Gary Banker, Automated Semantic Analysis of Changes in Image Sequences of Neurons in Culture. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1109-1123, June 2006. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
Renzhi Lu, Richard J. Radke, Linda Hong, Chen-Shou Chui, Jianping Xiong, Ellen Yorke, and Andrew Jackson, Learning the Relationship between Patient Geometry and Beam Intensity in Breast Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 908-920, May 2006. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
Omar Al-Kofahi, Richard J. Radke, Susan K. Goderie, Qin Shen, Sally Temple, and Badrinath Roysam, Automated Cell Lineage Construction: a Rapid Method to Analyze Clonal Development Established with Murine Neural Progenitor Cells. Cell Cycle, Vol. 5, No. 3, Feb. 1, 2006, pp. 327-335. Journal-formatted version at Cell Cycle (subscription required).
Bradford J. King, Tomasz Malisiewicz, Charles V. Stewart, and Richard J. Radke, Registration of Multiple Range Scans as a Location Recognition Problem: Hypothesis Generation, Refinement and Verification. Proceedings of 3DIM 2005, pp. 180-187, Ottawa, Canada, June 2005.
Daniel Freedman, Richard J. Radke, Tao Zhang, Yongwon Jeong, D. Michael Lovelock, and G.T.Y. Chen, Model-Based Segmentation of Medical Imagery by Matching Distributions. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 281-292, March 2005. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
Richard J. Radke, Srinivas Andra, Omar Al-Kofahi, and Badrinath Roysam, Image Change Detection Algorithms: A Systematic Survey. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 294-307, March 2005. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
Dhanya Devarajan and Richard J. Radke, Distributed Metric Calibration for Large-Scale Camera Networks. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Broadband Advanced Sensor Networks (BASENETS) 2004 (in conjunction with BroadNets 2004), October 25, 2004, San Jose, CA.
D.R. Demers, K.A. Connor, P.M. Schoch, R.J. Radke, J.K. Anderson, D. Craig, and D.J. Den Hartog, Development of Magnetic Field Mapping via Heavy Ion Beam Spectral Imaging. Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 75, No. 10, pp. 4187-4189, October 2004. Journal-formatted version at RSI (subscription required).
Daniel Freedman, Richard J. Radke, Yongwon Jeong, Tao Zhang, and G.T.Y. Chen, Model-Based Multi-Object Segmentation via Distribution Matching. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Articulated and Nonrigid Motion (in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 2004), June 27, 2004, Washington, DC.
Richard J. Radke, Peter J. Ramadge, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, and Tomio Echigo, Efficiently Synthesizing Virtual Video. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 325-337, April 2003. Journal-formatted version at IEEExplore (subscription required).
D.R. Demers, P.M. Schoch, R.J. Radke, J.K. Anderson, D. Craig, and D.J. Den Hartog, Spectroscopic Ion Beam Imaging for Investigations into Magnetic Field Mapping of a Plasma. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 2103-2106, March 2003. Journal-formatted version at RSI (subscription required).
Paul Henderson, Brian Lonsway, Richard J. Radke, Rendell Torres, Yasushi Shimizu, and Seema Jaisinghani, Coupled Auralization and Virtual Video for Full-Room Tele-Performance Environments. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Immersive Telepresence 2002 (in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2002), December 6, 2002, Juan Les Pins, France.
Richard J. Radke and Scott Rickard, Audio Interpolation. Proceedings of AES22, International Conference on Virtual, Synthetic and Entertainment Audio, June 2002, Espoo, Finland.
Richard J. Radke, Peter J. Ramadge, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, and Tomio Echigo, Using View Interpolation for Low Bit-Rate Video. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001.
Richard J. Radke, Vitali Zagorodnov, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, and Peter J. Ramadge, Estimating Correspondence in Digital Video. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Coding, and Compression, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2001. Winner, Best Student Paper Award.
Richard J. Radke, Estimation Problems in Digital Video. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, 2001.
Richard J. Radke, Peter J. Ramadge, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Tomio Echigo and Shun-ichi Iisaku, Recursive Propagation of Correspondences with Applications to the Creation of Virtual Video. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000.
Richard J. Radke, Peter J. Ramadge, Tomio Echigo and Shun-ichi Iisaku, Efficiently Estimating Projective Transformations. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000.
Richard J. Radke and Sanjeev Kulkarni, An Integrated Matlab Suite for Introductory DSP Education. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop, Hunt, Texas, October 2000.
Tomio Echigo, Richard J. Radke, Peter J. Ramadge, Hisashi Miyamori, and Shun-ichi Iisaku, Ghost Error Elimination and Superimposition of Moving Objects in Video Mosaicing. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October 1999.
Richard J. Radke, A Matlab Implementation of the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method for Solving Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems. Master's thesis, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, 1996.