
Links by Experiment (ENGR-2300)

Experiment 1 Project 1
Experiment 2 Project 2
Experiment 3 Project 3
Experiment 4 Project 4
Experiment 5 General Info
Experiment 6 LTspice
Experiment 7 Textbooks
Experiment 8 Report Info


General Information Applying to All Experiments and Projects

M2K (ADALM2000) Information

M2K General Information

Getting Started with the M2K

Scopy Software Information and Download .

M2K (ADAML2000) Datasheet

Using Wave Files in Scopy (M2k) (Not all wave files appear to be formatted the same- Examples that work [Right Click to Download]: Batter Churchill Klaatu Kansas Problem)

Math Channel Example in Scopy

Kit of Parts ADALP2000

Details on the parts in the kit

Analog Discovery Information

Analog Discovery General Information (Includes info on related products, adaptors, etc.)

Getting Started with Analog Discovery 2

Analog Discovery Getting Started Videos

Waveforms Software Information and Download (Note that there are two versions of Waveforms. Waveforms 2015 is the new version and the one you should use. The older version was used in some of the experiment write ups.

Analog Discovery Datasheet

Mobile Studio & Analog Discovery Connections
Calibration Procedure (This should be done as soon as possible.)

Using Wave Files in Wavegen (Not all wave files appear to be formatted the same- Examples that work [Right Click to Download]: Batter Churchill Klaatu Kansas Problem)

Math Channel Example in Waveforms

Breadboard Tips

LTspice Information and some legacy Pspice/Capture info

LTspice download

LTspice Getting Started Guide - read pages 14, 17-18, 20-23, 35-38

LTspice Information Flyer & Shortcuts

LTspice Mac OS X Shortcuts

Introduction to LTspice - RPI Professor Hameed

Using LTspice on a Mac This uses an old version of LTspice but is a very good introdution.

Validating PSpice (New document on using results available from PSpice but not from experiments)

General Information

Troubleshooting and Debugging How to handle all of the little problems that can occur when building circuits and running PSpice. This document is continually updated based on new experiences in the classroom. You will find nearly all issues addressed here.

Electronic Concepts and Troubleshooting 101 Some concepts and troubleshooting issues to think about for each experiment and project.

Concepts for Think-Pair-Share Discussions. Discussion Sheet for TPS. These are the questions addressed at the beginning of each class. The responses are used to check attendance.

Electronic Switching Concept issues in Exp 6

Oscilloscope Tutorials and Overviews:

How to Use an Oscilloscope from Sparkfun

Textbooks and Lecture Notes

ONLINE: D. M. Gingrich, Electronics (1999)
ONLINE: S. A. Hoenig, How to Build and Use Electronic Devices Without Frustration, Panic, Mountains of Money, or an Engineering Degree (Second Edition, 1980), (Third Edition, 2002)

ONLINE: Real Analog from Digilent

ONLINE: A. Ganago and J. L. Sleight, Circuits Laboratory Companion from National Instruments

Paperback or Kindle, iTunes, Goodread, etc: P. Scherz and S. Monk, Practical Electronics for Inventors (3rd ed, 2013) Now the recommended text for this course.

Paperback Only: C. Lunn, The Essence of Analog Electronics (1996) Formerly a Required Text for this Course, Now Optional

Hardcover Only: P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics (1989) A Wonderful Book

ONLINE: Play-Hookey This is not really an online textbook, but it has all the same useful information

ONLINE: All About Circuits Also contains videos, forums, blogs on circuits and electronics.

ONLINE: Components and Circuits Lab from UCSD, excellent materials on circuit analysis, complex arithmetic, etc.
ONLINE: Lessons in Electric Circuits from Tony Kuphaldt -- this is now organized under Learning Electronics, an open source community you can contribute to.

ONLINE: Analog Circuits Laboratory from Caltech -- excellent course notes that add up to a decent book.

Experiment and Project Report Information

What to include in Experiment Write-ups

Checklist Reflection Tasks (Updated 1-27-16) This document lists all steps necessary to obtain a signature for specific tasks in experiments and projects.
Project Report Guidelines

Introduction -- Course outline, Policies, Materials, Studio and Open Shop

PowerPoint Presentation for Introduction

Experiment 1 -- Signals, Instrumentation, Basic Circuits and Capture/PSpice

4 Students Per Group

Experiment 1 using Analog Discovery (pdf w/ comment section) docx
Experiment 1 using M2K
(pdf w/ comment section) (docx)
Experiment 1 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 1 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Audio Spectrum also Speech Banana Check out also information on how our hearing changes with frequency (e.g. Frequency and Loudness Response of Ear) also the concept of Sound Pressure is also relevant.
How to use a breadboard
Video: Identifying Resistors (pdf) General discussion of how to accurately identify the value of resistors. (Addresses a big idea for this course and engineering.)
Additional reading:
Series and Parallel Resistors
Battery Specs and Battery Measurements
Optional related information:
Electric Generator Applet
Basic Circuit Information

Experiment 2 -- Complex Impedance, Steady State Analysis and Filters

2 Students Per Group

Experiment 2 using Analog Discovery (docx)
Experiment 2 using M2K (docx)
Experiment 2 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 2 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Steady State Handout (Typos: P3 Line 1 'os' should be 'of' and P12 Equation 11 should be the impedance of an inductor not a capacitor)
Gingrich Notes on AC Circuits
Complex Numbers (Clark)
Complex Numbers (Interactive Math, also has some circuit analysis)

Complex Numbers (Tony Kuphaldt, part of Lessons in Circuits linked above)
Circuit Review (Swarthmore, done as a review for the next course)
Additional reading:
Phasors (Wikipedia)
More on Filters

Experiment 3 -- Inductors and Transformers

2 Students Per Group

Experiment 3 using M2K (docx)
Experiment 3 using Analog Discovery (docx)
Experiment 3 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders

Math Channel Example in Scopy

Math Channel Example in Waveforms

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 3 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Additional reading:
Ferrite Core Specifications: 495-3864-ND; 495-3856-ND; 495-3861-ND (from Digi-key)
Transformer Equation Notes
Gingrich on Inductance
Inductor Design Help
Optional related information:
Inductor Simulator from Barry's Coilgun Website
Mutual Inductance from All About Circuits

Faraday Inductance Experiment 1
Faraday Inductance Experiment 2
Transformer Applet
Magnetic Levitation (of assorted objects)
Wire gauge information:
Cirris (Table and Calculator)

Thevenin Equivalent Circuits:
Class notes on Thevenin Equivalent Circuits
Thevenin Applet
Gingrich on Thevenin Equivalents

Experiment 4 -- Op-Amp Circuits

2 Students Per Group

Experiment 4 using M2K (docx)
Experiment 4 using Analog Discovery (docx)
Experiment 4 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 4 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Differentiators and Integrators Approaching new ideas using multiple engineering tools (Addresses a big idea for this course and engineering.)
Additional reading:
Op-Amp Circuits
Optional related information:
Gingrich on Op-Amp Circuits
More on Op-Amp Circuits from All About Circuits
Mind Machine Web Museum
741 Op-Amp
LF351 Op-Amp

Experiment 5 -- Harmonic Oscillation

4 Students Per Group

Experiment 5 (docx)
Experiment 5 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 5 (docx) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Cantilever Beam Frequency
Damping Constant and Natural Frequency General mathematical analysis of damped harmonic oscillators, including cantilever beam and RLC circuit. (Addresses a big idea for this course and engineering.)
Additional reading:
Theory of Damped Harmonic Motion from Michael Richmond at RIT
Young's Modulus from Wikipedia
Background on Harmonic Motion
Cantilever Beams
Measuring Strain With Strain Gauges from NI
Strain Gauges from All About Circuits (excellent discussion)
Strain Gauges (supplemental slides)
Wheatstone Bridge from Electronics Tutorials
Load Cells from Omega
Optional related information:
Strain Gauges

Experiment 6 -- Electronic Switches

2 Students Per Group

Experiment 6 M2k or Analog Discovery (docx)
Experiment 6 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 6 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Electronic Switching Addresses the relay experiment using Mobile Studio, but the concepts are general
Additional reading:
Schmitt Trigger
Carburetor Application
Flow Valve Control
Optional related information:
Gingrich on Transistors
Coto Reed Relay 8L01-05-001
Omron Relay G5LE-1A4

Panasonic JS1-5V-F
741 Op-Amp
7414 Schmitt Trigger | CMOS 7414 from NXP
7404 Inverter
2N3904 Transistor
2222 Transistor
PN2222 Transistor

Experiment 7 -- Digital Logic Devices and the 555-Timer

2 Students Per Group

Experiment 7 (docx)
Experiment 7 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders
Proper wiring of Part A, Logic gates: video

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 7 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
555 Timer Animation
Mushroom Timer Information
Gingrich on Digital Electronics or try this if the link is broken
Additional reading
555 Timer Time Constant

Introductory Digital Electronics
Basic Digital Information
Optional related information
Boolean Algebra
How Boolean Logic Works
How digital gates work
Digital Electronics Links
Gingrich on RC Decay
7404 Inverter
7402 2-input NOR
7410 3-input NAND
74107 JK Flip-Flop
74393 Counter
555 Timer
Logic Gate Applets (try out these applets to see if you understand digital logic concepts)
Interactive Simulation Framework

Experiment 8 -- Diodes, Phototransistors and LEDs

2 Students Per Group

Experiment 8 M2k or Analog Discovery (docx)
Experiment 8 Submission Templates (docx): without placeholders , with placeholders
Supplemental information for experiment 8

PowerPoint Presentation for Experiment 8 (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Supplement to experiment 8 handout
Second Supplement on Diode Measurements
Additional reading:
Gingrich on Diodes
Basic Diode Information
The Radiometry of Light Emitting Diodes (Labsphere)
Optional related information:
More on Zener Diodes
Diodes and P/N Junctions
1N4148 Diode Specs
1N750A Zener Diode Specs
LT1893 Phototransistor

Project 1 -- Instrumented Beakman's Motor

4 Students Per Group

Project 1 handout (docx)

Project 1 PowerPoint Presentation (pdf) also see Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics

Additional reading:

Science Buddies Building an Electric Motor
Jose Pino's Beakman's Motor instructions (very good with nice pictures)
Hila Science Camp motor project
Science toys you can make with your kids, includes some excellent photos.
SimpleMotor, a site dedicated to simple, inexpensive motors that are easy to build.
Motors from the Buffalo State Physics Education site
Beakman Video
Optional related information:
AC Generator Applet
Stepper Motors
How Batteries Work
Battery Specs

Project 2 -- Cantilever Beam

4 Students Per Group

Project 2 Analog Discovery or M2k handout (docx)

Project 2 PowerPoint Presentation (pdf) See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
Additional reading:
Data Analysis Example
How Accelerometers Work (More on Accelerometers from Dimension Engineering)
Additional related information:
Spreadsheet in Mathematics -- Fitting Functions
ADXL327 accelerometer
741 Op-Amp
ADXL250 No longer used.

Project 3 -- Switch Debouncer

4 Students Per Group

Project 3 handout (docx)

See Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics
555 Timer Animation (for project 3)
Additional reading:
Binary Counters
555 Timer

Project 4 -- Optical Communications Link

4 Students Per Group

Project 4 handout {M2k or Analog Discovery} (docx)

Project 4 PowerPoint Presentation (pdf) also see Lectures or YouTube for video lectures on these topics

LTspice model for Project 4, .asc file (download and open with LTspice)

Recording of TV-B-Gone Remote
output detected with Project 4 Receiver Circuit. Short excerpt of TV-B-Gone signal (wav files).
Additional reading:
Simulation Information
Audio Circuits
Optional related information:
Background on A/D and D/A Conversion
Frequency Modulation
741 Op-Amp
386 Audio Amplifier
555 Timer
LT1893 Phototransistor
Supplementary pin-outs and circuits

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