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Proof of Skills

Proof of skills is meant to prepare everyone to be able to complete the laboratory assignments that will comprise the bulk of the work this semester. These skills form the foundation of your work as an EE or CSE and as a student at RPI in general. Below you will find documents to guide you in obtaining these skills and keeping track of your progress. During the first 5 classes, your main homework assignment is to complete your Proof of Skills categories. A few example documents are also linked to give you a better idea of what you should submit.

Lab Documents

After Proof of Skills days, the main focus of the course is completing laboratories. There are three laboratores that focus on different aspects of the fundamentals of EE and CSE, which will teach you how to apply the concepts you have learned in lecture to hands-on projects. To demonstrate that you have mastered each of these concepts, you will have to submit a Proof of Concept, in which you will have to show consistent results between mathematical analysis, functional simulations and experimental measurements to prove that you have applied the concept correctly. An overview of Alpha Labs (more guided lab experiences) and Omega Explorations (open-ended lab experiences), along with lab-specific instructions are linked below. Documents for your project plan, proof of concepts, and omega explorations are also linked below.

Resources by Class Day

In this section you will find links to documents related to a particular class day, such as instructions for in-class activities or slides from a guest speaker. Slides and notes from lectures are posted in a Box folder, linked below (also linked on the main Intro to ECSE page):

Lecture Notes

Class 01 - Course Overview and Introduction

Class 02 - Outcomes, Goals, and Personal Goals, Proof of Skills Day 1: Professional Accountability and Development

Class 03 - Ethics Conversations, Proof of Skills Day 2: Circuit Simulation
Class 04 - Good Failure: Is this Right? Proof of Skills Day 3: Experimental Measurement and Personal Instrumentation

Class 05 - Questions for the Profs, Proof of Skills Day 4: Matlab Basics and Simulink
Class 06 - Alpha/Omega Lab Design Ideation and Planning, Proof of Skills Day 5
Class 07 - Lab01 Part A: Basic Analysis and Engineering Practices - Math as a Tool
Class 08 - Lab01 Part A: Basic Analysis and Engineering Practices - Math as a Tool
Class 09 - Lab01 Part B: Basic Analysis and Engineering Practice - Math as a Component (Design)
Class 10 - Lab01 Part B: Basic Analysis and Engineering Practice - Math as a Component (Design)
Class 11 - Quiz 1 (in class)

Class 12 - Lab02: Linear Systems and Beyond: Part A - Defining Linear and Non-linear Devices with Current Voltage Characteristics

Class 13 - Lab 02 Part B: Linear Resistive Network using Nodal Analysis and Linear Algebra (Design)

Class 14 - Lab 02 Part B: Linear Resistive Network using Nodal Analysis and Linear Algebra (Design)

Class 15 - Lab 02 Part C: Operational Amplifiers

Class 16 - Lab 02 Part C: Operational Amplifiers

Class 17 - Lab02 Part D: Applications - Transfer Functions, Sensor Decisions, Control

Class 18 - Lab02 Part D: Applications - Transfer Functions, Sensor Decisions, Control

Class 19 - Lab02 Part D: Applications - Transfer Functions, Sensor Decisions, Control

Class 20 - Lab02 Part D: Applications - Transfer Functions, Sensor Decisions, Control, Imaging (Design)

Class 21 - Quiz 2 (in class)

Class 22 - Applications of Signals and Systems
Class 23 - Signals in the Time .vs Frequency Domain
Class 24 - Filters Part I: 1st Order Filters
Class 25 - Filters Part II: 2nd Order Filters & Guest Speaker: Prof. Mona Hella
Class 26 - Filters Part III: Decibels and Bode Plots
Class 27 - Quiz 3 Review and Example Problems
Class 28 - Quiz 3 Review