The MSP432P401R contains a single analog-to-digital converter (ADC) labelled ADC14. This module is capable of converting up to 32 independent analog inputs, or channels. It can be operated in a single-ended mode (using one channel) or differential mode (using two channels).

The module uses two references voltages, labelled \(V_\mathrm{R+}\) and \(V_\mathrm{R-}\) for the maximum and minimum voltage values, respectively. The maximum (positive) voltage reference, \(V_\mathrm{R+}\), is selectable among internally generated 1.2 V, 1.45 V, or 2.5 V sources; the 3.3 V power source; or can use an externally sourced reference (VREF+). The minimum (negative) voltage reference, \(V_\mathrm{R-}\), may either be selected as 0 V or from an externally sourced reference voltage (VREF-). The externally sourced references voltages, VREF+ and VREF-, must be greater than or equal to 0 V and less than or equal to the microcontroller’s power supply, e.g., 3.3 V.

For single-ended mode, the ADC14 conversion output follows the equation:

\[N_\mathrm{ADC} = 2^{N_\mathrm{bits}} \frac{V_\mathrm{in+}-V_\mathrm{R-}}{V_\mathrm{R+}-V_\mathrm{R-}} \mathrm{~~~~~~where~~ } V_\mathrm{R-} \leq V_\mathrm{in+} < V_\mathrm{R+}\]

where \(N_\mathrm{bits}\) if the configured bitwise resolution of the ADC14 and \(V_\mathrm{in+}\) is the input voltage.

For differential mode, the ADC14 conversion output follows the equation:

\[N_\mathrm{ADC} = 2^{N_\mathrm{bits}-1} \frac{V_\mathrm{in+}-V_\mathrm{in-}}{V_\mathrm{R+}-V_\mathrm{R-}}+2^{N_\mathrm{bits}-1} \mathrm{~~~~~~where~~ } V_\mathrm{R-} \leq V_\mathrm{in+},V_\mathrm{in-} < V_\mathrm{R+}\]

where \(V_\mathrm{in-}\) is the second input voltage. Note that if \(V_\mathrm{in+}-V_\mathrm{in-} == 0\), the output will be: \(N_\mathrm{ADC} = 8192\) for a 14-bit resolution conversion.

The ADC14 also has 32 memory locations locations to store conversion results. These are configured to be associated with a single ADC input channel.

Many of the DriverLib functions provided below return a bool type variable, which provides either a true (1) or false (0) for if the requested operation succeeded or failed.

Sample Modes

The ADC14 can operate in four distinct modes:

  • Single-channel, single-sample: Conversion of a single channel is performed when the ADC14 receive a conversion trigger.

  • Multi-sequence, single-sample: A single sample for a sequence of channels is converted when the ADC14 receives a conversion trigger.

  • Single-channel, continuous-samples: Conversion of a single channel in a repeated fashion. Once a conversion is complete, the process immediately restarts.

  • Multi-sequence, continuous-samples: A sequence of channels is converted continuously in order. Once a conversion is complete for all channels in the sequence, the process immediately restarts.

These modes are selected through either void ADC14_configureSingleSampleMode() or void ADC14_configureMultiSequenceMode().


A subset of the complete set of ADC14 configuration functions are provided below.

  • void ADC14_enableModule( void )/bool ADC14_disableModule( void ): Enable/disable the ADC14 module. If the ADC14 is disabled, no conversions are possible.

  • bool ADC14_initModule( uint32_t clockSource , uint32_t clockPredivider , uint32_t clockDivider , uint32_t internalChannelMask ): Provides initial configuration of the ADC14 module. The arguments are:

    • uint32_t clockSource: Select the clock source to drive the ADC14 module. Valid values are:





      • ADC_CLOCKSOURCE_SMCLK <– A good option!


    • uint32_t clockPredivider: Specify the first division for the clockSource. Valid values are ADC_PREDIVIDER_x where x is 1, 4, 32, or 64.

    • uint32_t clockDivider: Specify the second division for the clockSource. Valid values are ADC_DIVIDER_x where x is 1 to 8.

    • internalChannelMask: Configure the mapping of the internal lines of the ADC14. No mapping is required for this course. Always specify this argument as 0 or ADC_NOROUTE.

  • bool ADC14_configureConversionMemory( uint32_t memorySelect , uint32_t refSelect , uint32_t channelSelect , bool differentialMode ): Configure a conversion channel. The arguments are:

    • uint32_t memorySelect: Select the ADC14 memory location to configure. Valid values are ADC_MEM0 through ADC_MEM31.

    • uint32_t refSelect: Select the maximum and minimum sources for the reference voltages. Valid values are:

      • ADC_VREFPOS_AVCC_VREFNEG_VSS: Use the chip power supplies as the voltage references. When using the MSP432P401R, AVCC is 3.3 V and VSS is 0 V.

      • ADC_VREFPOS_INTBUF_VREFNEG_VSS: Use the voltage generated by the REF_A Module for the positive voltage reference and VSS (0 V) for the negative voltage reference.

      • ADC_VREFPOS_EXTPOS_VREFNEG_EXTNEG: Use the voltages connected to the external reference pins VREF+ and VREF- (pins P5.6 and P5.7).


    • uint32_t channelSelect: Select the input channel to perform conversion on. Valid values are ADC_INPUT_A0 through ADC_INPUT_A31. If operated in differential the second channel will be selected as discussed for the next argument.

    • bool differentialMode:

      • true: Perform an ADC conversion to measure the difference between two input signals (differential mode). If in differential mode: two input channels will be used: A0+A1, A2+A3, A4+A5, etc.

      • false: Perform conversion of single channel (single-ended mode)

  • bool ADC14_configureSingleSampleMode( uint32_t memoryDestination , bool repeatMode ): Configure the ADC14 to convert on only a single channel, either in a repeated fashion or once by request. The arguments are:

    • uint32_t memoryDestination: Select the ADC14 memory location to save the conversion result of the single channel. Valid values are ADC_MEM0 through ADC_MEM31.

    • bool repeatMode: Set the single channel to be continuously converted (true) or converted only once per conversion trigger (false).

  • bool ADC14_configureMultiSequenceMode( uint32_t memoryStart , uint32_t memoryEnd , bool repeatMode ): Configure the ADC14 to convert a sequence of channels (sequentially in memory), either in a repeated fashion or once by request. The arguments are:

    • uint32_t memoryStart: Select the first ADC14 memory location to convert in sequence. Valid values are ADC_MEM0 through ADC_MEM31.

    • uint32_t memoryEnd: Select the last ADC14 memory location to convert in sequence. Valid values are ADC_MEM0 through ADC_MEM31.

    • bool repeatMode: Set the channel sequence to be continuously converted (true) or converted only once per conversion trigger (false).

  • void ADC14_setResolution( uint32_t resolution ): Sets the number of bits in the ADC conversion. The default resolution is 14 bits; therefore, this function is not required in initial configuration if 14 bits is desired. The argument uint32_t resolution should be ADC_xBIT where x is 8, 10, 12, or 14.

  • bool ADC14_setSampleHoldTrigger( uint32_t source , bool invertSignal ): Select the ADC conversion trigger, or the event that will trigger an ADC conversion to start. The arguments are:

    • uint32_t source: Specifies the trigger source. Valid values are:

      • ADC_TRIGGER_ADCSC: Software trigger using the function bool ADC14_toggleConversionTrigger().

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE1: Timer_A0 CCR1 Event

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE2: Timer_A0 CCR2 Event

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE3: Timer_A1 CCR1 Event

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE4: Timer_A1 CCR2 Event

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE5: Timer_A2 CCR1 Event

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE6: Timer_A2 CCR2 Event

      • ADC_TRIGGER_SOURCE7: Timer_A3 CCR1 Event

    • bool invertSignal: By default (false) the ADC trigger samples on a rising edge of the above signals. The may be changed to falling edge by specifying this value as true.

  • bool ADC14_enableSampleTimer( uint32_t multiSampleConvert ): Select the sampling mode of the ADC14 and start it. Options for uint32_t multiSampleConvert are:

    • ADC_MANUAL_ITERATION: Program must directly request a sample conversion,

    • ADC_AUTOMATIC_ITERATION: The ADC14 will automatically start the next conversion after the previous conversion completes.`


The ADC clock as configured by bool ADC14_initModule() must be between between 0.128 MHz and 25 MHz to produce accurate conversions. The final value for the clock may be calculated as: clockSource / (clockPredivider * clockDivider).

Ref_A Reference Voltage Generator

The reference voltage for the ADC14 module may be sources from an internal generator: Ref_A. While there are many DriverLib functions pertaining to this module, only three are useful in this course:

  • void REF_A_setReferenceVoltage( uint8_t referenceVoltageSelect ): Configure the generated reference voltage level. Options are:

    • 1.2 V: REF_A_VREF1_2V

    • 1.45 V: REF_A_VREF1_45V

    • 2.5 V: REF_A_VREF2_5V

  • void enableReferenceVoltage( void ): Start the generation of the reference voltage

  • void disableReferenceVoltage( void ): Stop the generation of the reference voltage

Sampling Control

  • bool ADC14_enableConversion( void )/bool ADC14_disableConversion( void ): enable or disable (block) conversions from occurring. Conversions must be disabled to perform ADC14 reconfiguration. Conversions only need to be enabled once; they do not need to be continuously enabled.

  • bool ADC14_toggleConversionTrigger( void ): Software request for an ADC14 conversion.

  • bool ADC14_isBusy( void ): Check if the ADC14 is currently performing a conversion. This function will return true if busy, false if complete/free.

  • uint16_t ADC14_getResult( uint32_t memorySelect ): Fetch a completed ADC conversion from the ADC14 conversion memory uint32_t memorySelect. Valid values are ADC_MEM0 through ADC_MEM31.

  • void ADC14_getMultiSequenceResult( uint16_t * results ): Fill an input array results with the conversion results of the configured multi-sequence conversion. The length of array results must be equal to or greater than the length of the multi-sequence configuration.


The ADC1 has a possible 38 total events which may trigger the single ADC1 interrupt. These events are all identified through the uint64_t mask argument. This argument is a bitwise OR of all active triggers. 32 of the trigger events are ADC_INT0 through ADC_INT31; which are the interrupt trigger corresponding to the completion of a conversion for the ADC memories ADC_MEM0 through ADC_MEM31, respectively. The remaining 8 event triggers are not used in this course.

  • void ADC14_enableInterrupt( uint64_t mask )/void ADC14_disableInterrupt( uint64_t mask ): Enable or disable the ADC14 interrupt and associated trigger(s).

  • uint64_t ADC14_getEnabledInterruptStatus( void ): Return the active interrupt triggers. The return format follows the same format for the value of uint64_t mask.

  • void ADC14_clearInterruptFlag ( uint64_t mask ): Acknowledge/clear the interrupt triggers specified by uint64_t mask.