DriverLib Modules
TI DriverLib Functions and Modules
The bridging of the physical world and a microcontroller’s program is completed through what are known as Registers. In a simplistic sense, registers memory locations within the microcontroller which are accessed like variables and are tied to operational aspects of the various subsystems of the microcontroller. This includes but is not limited to: clock system configuration, entry/exit of low power modes, timers, and general purpose input and output (GPIO) configuration and interfacing.
Working with registers can be difficult and tedious depending on the complexity of the subsystem of interest. For example: configuring and using GPIO pins using registers is fairly straight forward for simple tasks, whereas interfacing with the I2C module is much more involved. To this end, function libraries, or drivers, that provide more intuitive avenues for configuration are usually available from either the manufacturer of the microcontroller or other vendors. For our purposes, we will use the TI DriverLib library as opposed to registers (excluding some activities). Select functions from the DriverLib are provided in the links above for the modules used throughout the course[1].