IoT Demos

These are example demos from past IoT course projects ECSE 4660 / ECSE 6660.

[Click on project name below to play video]

CookieBot: A Duckiebot that fetches cookies.

RFID Attendance: An RFID attendance system for classrooms.

GeoStreamer: Streaming music to the closest speaker.

DuckiBotController: A visual Duckiebot controller.

WirelessLost&Found: A tracking device following a tracked device via wireless localization.

Android Watch Lighting: Android Watch mobile location-aware lighting.

LocationStrip: A location-aware light-strip.

MobileSpotify: Spotify streams from the PC closest to a mobile person.

TempAlert: A remote temperature monitoring and alert system.

© Alhussein Abouzeid 2020.