The list below includes a selection of publications each grouped by a topic area. Each paper includes a link to a pdf of the camera version of the paper, which is included here under the relevant copyright rules and regulations for sharing for academic purposes. The final version is copyright protected by the corresponding publisher. A slide set for each paper is included when available, which may include results published in other venues.
Real-Time Auction Mechanisms for Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
- M. Khaledi and A. A. Abouzeid, “ADAPTIVE: A Dynamic Index Auction for Spectrum Sharing with Time-Evolving Values,” 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 12-16, 2014. [paper,slides]
Queuing Models of Wireless Networks
- D. Das, A. A. Abouzeid, “Delay Analysis of Multihop Cognitive Radio Networks Using Network of Virtual Priority Queues,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), (to appear), Istanbul, Turkey, April 7-9, 2014. [paper, slides]
- N. Bisnik and A. A. Abouzeid. Queuing Network Models for Delay Analysis of Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 7(1): 79-97, January 2009. (A version of this work appeared in SECON 2006.) [paper, slides]
Optimal Scheduling
- D. Das, A. A. Abouzeid and M. Codreanu, “Opportunistic Scheduling and Relaying in a Cooperative Cognitive Network,” 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), (to appear), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 12-16, 2014. [paper]
Protocol Information and Scaling
- N. Zhou, H. Wu and A.A. Abouzeid, “The Impact of Traffic Patterns on the Overhead of Reactive Routing Protocols,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, 23(3): 547-560, March 2005. (A version of this work appeared in MobiCom 2003.) [paper, slides]
- A.A. Abouzeid and N. Bisnik, “Geographic Protocol Information and Capacity Deficit in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(8): 5133-50, August 2011. (A version of this work appeared in INFOCOM 2007.) [paper, slides ]
Sensor Networks Data Aggregation
- Z. Ye, A. A. Abouzeid and J. Ai, Optimal Stochastic Policies for Distributed Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, 17(5): 1494-1507, October 2009. (A version of this work appeared in INFOCOM 2007.)[paper, slides]
Mobile Sensing
- N. Bisnik, A.A. Abouzeid and V. Isler, “Stochastic Event Capture Subject to a Quality Metric,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 23(4), August 2007. (A version of this work appeared in MobiCom2006.) [paper, slides]
Sensor Networks Coverage
- J. Ai and A. A. Abouzeid, “Coverage by Directional Sensors in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Special Issue on Network Applications, 11(1): 21-24, February 2006. (A version of this work appeared in WiOpt 2006.) [paper, slides]
Weak State Routing for Dynamic Delay-Tolerant Networks
- U. G. Acer, S. Kalyanaraman, A. A. Abouzeid, Weak state routing for large-scale dynamic networks, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, 18(5): 1450-63, October 2010. (A version of this work appeared in MobiCom 2007.) [paper, slides]
Cross-Layer Optimization
- J. Ai and A.A. Abouzeid, “Cross-layer Optimal Policies for Spatial Diversity Relaying in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7(8): 2930-2939, August 2008. (A version of this work appeared in MASS 2006.) [paper, slides]
Randomized Algorithms & Random Walks on Graphs
- N. Bisnik and A.A. Abouzeid, “Optimizing Random Walk Search Algorithms in P2P Networks,” Computer Networks, 51(6): 1499-1514, April 2007. (A version of this work appeared in Hot-P2P 2005.) [paper, slides]
TCP and Internet Routing Performance
- A.A. Abouzeid, S. Roy and M. Azizoglu, “Comprehensive Performance Analysis of a TCP Session over a Wireless Fading Link with Queuing”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2(2): 344-356, March 2003. (A version of this work appeared in INFOCOM 2001.) [paper, slides]
- A.A. Abouzeid and S. Roy, “Modeling Random Early Detection in a Differentiated Services Network”, Computer Networks, 40(4): 537-556, November 2002. (A version of this work appeared in GLOBECOM 2001.) [paper, slides]
Distributed Image Processing