Quiz Policies
- Quizzes are open book and open notes.
- Notes must be hand-written or printed out; no electronic devices will be
permitted for use as reference during quizzes.
- Bringing printed out solutions to previous quizzes is not permitted.
- Non-communicating calculators are allowed.
- Students are not allowed to discuss/interact with anyone during the time they take the quiz.
Quiz 1
- Basic circuit quantities and units (and metric prefixes)
- Resistor IV Characteristics
- Circuit Analysis Technique #1: Circuit Reduction - Combining Resistors in Series and in Parallel
- Voltage dividers
- Circuit Analysis Technique #2: Nodal Analysis
- Writing linear equations in matrix form
- Coming to class and attempting proof of skills
Previous Quizzes and Solutions
Quiz 2
- Diodes
- Op-amp basics and properties
- Op-amp circuits and applications
- Transfer functions
- Cascading op-amp circuits
- Setting reference level for a decision-making circuit
- Impedance of resistors, capacitors, and inductors
- Transfer functions of 1st and 2nd order filter circuits
- Magnitude (be able to calculuate), phase (be able to describe)
- Corner frequency (1st order low-pass and high-pass filters)
- Center frequency (2nd order band-pass and band-stop filters)
- Bode plot of transfer function magnitude
Previous Quizzes and Solutions for Unit 2 (Diodes, Op-Amps, Transfer Functions)
Previous Quizzes and Solutions for former Unit 3 (Filter Circuits)