SYMAP is the first public-domain software program package for automated modeling and analysis of power electronic circuits. The major functions of the package include:
- Automated averaged model derivations for line-frequency ac/dc and various dc/dc power converters (hard-switching PWM converters, zero current switching and zero voltage switching quasi-resonant converters, as well as soft transition PWM converters)
- Analytical ripple function derivation for switching variables based on the averaged model
- Large-signal transient response simulations based on both averaged and switching models, for both open-loop and closed-loop systems
- Small-signal analysis based on the averaged models, transfer function determinations, and frequency-domain response analysis
The package requires Mathematica, a product of Wolfram Research, Inc. If you don't have Mathematica, you can still view the package by using CDF Player, a free program from Wolfram Research.