1983 - 1991 Joint appointment between Rensselaer (Research Associate) and the
Univ. of Texas (Research Fellow).
1991 - Present Associate Professor
"Core Electrostatic Fluctuations and Particle Transport in a Reversed-Field Pinch," J. Lei, P. M. Schoch, D. R. Demers, U. Shah, K. A. Connor, J. K. Anderson, and T. P. Crowley, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 89, Num. 27, 275001 (2002).
"Initial measurements of plasma potential in the core of the MST reversed field pinch with a heavy ion beam probe." D.R. Demers, J. Lei, U. Shah, P.M. Schoch, K.A. Connor, T.P. Crowley, J.G. Schatz, J.K. Anderson, J.S. Sarff, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol. 51, 1065-77 (2001).
"Radial electrostatic flux inferred from core measurements of potential and density fluctuations." D.R. Demers, P.M. Schoch, T.P. Crowley, K.A. Connor, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 8, 1278 (2001).
"The Evidence for Nonlocal Transport in the Texas Experimental Tokamak," K. W. Gentle, R. V. Bravenec, G. Cima, G. A. Hallock, P.E. Phillips, D. W. Ross, W. L. Rowan, A. J. Wootton, T. P. Crowley, A. Ouroua, P. M. Schoch, and C. Watts, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 4, # 10, pp. 3599, (1997).
"Measurements of Broadband Fluctuations and Plasma Potential with the 2Mev Heavy Ion Beam Probe on the TEXT-U Tokamak," A. Ouroua, T. P. Crowley, K. A. Connor, D. R. Demers, A. Fujisawa, R. L. Hickok, P. E. McLaren, and P. M. Schoch and C. Watts, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 34-35, pp. 613, (1997).
"A Studio Format for Innovative Pedagogy in Circuits and Electronics," E. W. Maby, A. B. Carlson, K. A. Connor, W. C. Jennings, P. M. Schoch; Proceedings. Frontiers in Education 1997, 27th Annual Conference. Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change , p. 3 vol.3, Nov. 1997
"A Motivational First-year Electronics Lab Course," A. Bruce Carlson, Paul Schoch, Michael Kalsher, and Bernadette Racicot, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 4 (1997).
"Current Density Profile Measurement on the Texas Experimental Tokamak Using a Heavy Ion Beam Probe," J. G. Schwelberger, T. P. Crowley, K. A. Connor, P. M. Schoch, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol 69, 3828 (1998).
"Ballooning Characteristics in Density Fluctuations Observed with the 2 MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on the TEXT-U Tokamak," A. Fujisawa, A. Ouroua, J. W. Heard, T. P. Crowley, P. M. Schoch, K. A. Connor, R. L. Hickok, A. J. Wootton, Nuclear Fusion, vol 36, 375 (1996).
"Internal Magnetic and Electrostatic Fluctuation Measurements of MHD Modes
in the TEXT Tokamak", V. J. Simcic, T. P. Crowley, P. M. Schoch, A. Y.
Aydemir, X. Z. Yang, K. A. Connor, R. L. Hickok, A. J. Wootton, and S. C. McCool,
Physics of Fluids B 5, 1576-1580 (1993).