Introduction (last updated
Computer Vision by Wikipedia
Vision Databases, codes, publications, and conferences
Computer vision text books and etc..
Computer vision courses at other institutions
Computer vision courses
Matrix Reference, including Matrix Calculus
Linear Algebra and Learning from Data
Image Formation (last updated
Perspective Projection Geometry (last update, 09/19/23)
Camera Calibration and Pose Estimation (last update, 10/6/23 )
Camera Calibration Toolbox
for Matlab
Introduction to Linear Algebra
The Matrix Cookbook
SVD and its
Application for Solving A System of Linear Eqs
The RANSAC Algorithm
3D Reconstruction (last updated 11/7/23)
Active Stereo
Shape from (de)focus
Learning and Visualizing Epipolar Geometry
Epipolar and the Fundamental Matrix
The 8-Point Algorithm
Haratley's data normalization method
Horn's paper on computing the relative orientation from the essential matrix.
Tutorial on Rectification of Stereo Images
Summary of Chapters 6 and 7 of the text book
Motion (last updated 11/28/23)
Materials on motion and image sequence analysis
Optical Flow Algorithms Evaluation
Kalman Filtering
Feature Extraction (last updated,
Edge Detection
Corner Detection
SIFT Detection
Line and Curve Detection with Hough Transform
Object Detection and Recognition (last update 12/08/23)