RPI-IEEE Summer Hiatus

    Apr 28, 2021

    Dear members,

    It is with great regret that the RPI-IEEE executive board anonunces the cancellation of elections for the upcoming summer and fall terms. Due to current issues there has been a decreased level of engagement over all academic organizations at RPI. As this is likely to be exacerbated over the summer term due to the decreased student population, it has been decided to go on hiatus for the summer term. Eletions will pick up early in the fall as most of the students, hopefully, return to campus.

    Thank you for your time and effort, we hope to see you again soon.

    – RPI-IEEE Executive Board

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    Apr 13, 2021

    We are very excited to announce our upcoming elections!

    Two elections will be held, one for the summer only positions that are one term long, and one for the annual positions that begin in Fall 2021. The summer positions that will be open are:

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    GBM 2 - Resume Building When You Don't Have Work Experience

    Mar 3, 2021

    Hello, everyone. On March 3rd, IEEE held a GBM lead by James, our internal liasion, and Reagan, our external liasion. Our GBM was held during Professional Development Week, and we sought to assist students on building up their marketable skills to recruiters of summer internships.

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    Rensselaer Motorsport EV Event

    Feb 17, 2021

    Thank you to all the people who came to our RPI-IEEE and Rensselaer Motorsport EV Interest event! For those of you who missed the event, Rensselaer Motorsport is looking to convert from an internal combustion engine car to an all electric vehicle in the coming few years.

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    Professional Development Week

    Feb 8, 2021

    Hey all! During the first week of March IEEE, RPI’s ECSE department, and HKN will be holding the ECSE Profesisonal Development Week. As part of this event we will be holding mock interviews with alumni.

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    Career Fair Preparation Event

    Feb 6, 2021

    Thank you all for coming to our first event of the year! It was wonderful to see everyone after so much time separated and isolated, and I hope we were able to assuage your worries on your professional life. Just as the career fair will be a recurring event we hope to offer the opportunity to better prepare yourself annually as well.

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