Attendance and Participation (ENGR-2300)

Fall 2021 - Participation will account for 5% of the overall grade. Attendance is part of the participation grade. Attendance also is 20% of the grade on the reports. The discussion sheet for each class will be used to track attendance. This is also called the T-P-S sheet, Think - Partner - Share. If you miss or are late for a class you must use open shop to make up the work that your partner did during class. There is a missed class form available on the course website. form

Participation will still be based on the criteria listed below for the parts that apply.


Attendance is important in this class. Since most of your assignments are group assignments, it is unfair to have students who do not attend class and inherit the grades that the other group member(s) work for. Therefore, we have many rules regarding attendance.

Overall Class Participation

Overall Class Participation is worth 5% of your final grade. Average participation will recieve 3-4 points out of the 5. It is based on the following criteria:

Examples of contributions to the work your group does during class time include: (1) Preparation for class; (2) Answers to Questions of the Day; (3) The quality of materials and information presented to TA/Instructor when getting work signed off; (4) Interesting questions raised in class and on Discourd; (5) Creative approaches to completing assigned work, especially in projects; (6) Effectively getting help when needed; (7) Clear demonstration of improved understanding of concepts; (8) Feedback on course materials that were particularly helpful; (9) Providing answers to questions from other students on Discourd; (10) Identifying errors or points of confusion in course materials, including homework; etc. From this list, you can see that participation is just being engaged in the course, helping your partner(s) and other students learn and the TAs and instructor do their job better.