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ECSE 1010 Course Calendar
Section 01 (M/R 10:00AM - 11:50AM)

Note: The course calendar is subject to change and will be updated throughout the course of the semester. Remember to refresh the page in your browser when checking for updates!

Assignments which are due are shown in red on the day they are due. Assignments are generally due by the start of class.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1: 8/28 - 9/1 Class 01
Introduction and Class Overview
Class 02
Outcomes, Goals and Personal Goals;
Proof of Skills Day 1

ECSE and Society Poster;
Metacognition Journal Entry;
Sign-up and Minimum for Proof of Skills Day 1
2: 9/4 - 9/8 NO CLASSES - LABOR DAY Monday Schedule
Class 03

Ethics Conversations;
Proof of Skills Day 2

Sign-up and Minimum for Proof of Skills Day 2
Class 04
Good Failure - Is this Right?;
Proof of Skills Day 3
Club: Rensselaer Electric Vehicle (REV) &
Announcement: Undergraduate Student Council

Ethics Discussion;
Metacognition Journal Entry;
Sign-up and Minimum for Proof of Skills Day 3
3: 9/11 - 9/15 Class 05
Questions for the Prof.;
Proof of Skills Day 4

Sign-up and Minimum for Proof of Skills Day 4
Class 06
Alpha/Omega Lab Planning;
Proof of Skills Day 5;
Speaker: Dr. Elisa Barney

Sign-up and Minimum for Proof of Skills Day 5
4: 9/18 - 9/22 Class 07
Lab 01 Overview & Circuit Analysis Fundamentals I
Club: Rensselaer Motorsport

Proof of Skills;
Metacognition Journal Entry;
Problem Set #1;
Project Plan #1
Class 08
Circuit Analysis Fundamentals II
5: 9/25 - 9/29 Class 09
Circuit Analysis Fundamentals III and Practice Problems

Problem Set #2
Class 10
Is this Good Documentation?
Lab 01 Submission Requirements;
Quiz 1 Topics
6: 10/2 - 10/6 Class 11
Linear & Non-Linear Devices

Is this Good Documentation?; Problem Set #3
Quiz 1
6pm - 8pm
Sage 3303
Class 12
EE vs. CSE vs. CS
Circuit Analysis - Nodal Analysis

7: 10/9 - 10/13 NO CLASSES - COLUMBUS DAY / INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DAY Problem Set #4 Class 13
Plan of Study Review
Nodal Analysis Example Problems

Proof of Skills Optimization #1;
Problem Set #5
8: 10/16 - 10/20 Class 14
Op-Amps & Op-Amp Circuits
Class 15
Speaker: Prof. Santiago Paternain: Machine Learning and Control Theory

Lab02 Parts A & B;
Problem Set #6
9: 10/23 - 10/27 Class 16
Linear Systems & Superposition
Class 17
Superposition & Transfer Functions

Lab01 Optimization
10: 10/30 - 11/3 Class 18
Cascading Op-Amp Circuits

Problem Set #7
Class 19
Quiz 2 Review & Example Problems

Proof of Skills Optimization #2;
Problem Set #8
11: 11/6 - 11/10 Class 20
Lab 03 Overview - Applications of Signals and Systems
Quiz 2
6pm - 8pm
Sage 3303
Class 21
Circuits in the Frequency Domain

Lab02: Parts C & D
12: 11/13 - 11/17 Class 22
Filters Part 1 - Why Use the Frequency Domain?
Class 23
Speaker: Graduate Student Panel
Filters Part 2 - Frequency Response of 1st Order Circuits
Lab02 Parts A & B Optimization
13: 11/20 - 11/24 Class 24
Speaker: Hisen Zhang: Circuit Application - Radio
Problem Set #9
14: 11/27 - 12/1 Class 25
Filters Part 2 - Frequency Response of 2nd Order Circuits
Class 26
Filters Part 3 - Bode Plots & Example Problems

Proof of Skills Optimization #3;
Problem Set #10
15: 12/4 - 12/8 Class 27
Quiz 3 Review & Example Problems

Lab02 Parts C & D Optimization
Quiz 3
6pm - 8pm
Sage 3303
Class 28