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ECSE 1010 Fall 2023: Open Shop Times

Cells corresponding to our lecture times are green, ECSE 1010 open shop times are white, and times when JEC 4201 has a class in it (and is not open to students outside that class) are black. JEC 4201 may be open with other TAs holding open shop hours for other courses at times with no entries in this schedule.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8AM - 9AM Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Instrumentation
9AM - 10AM Electric Circuits
10AM - 11AM ECSE 1010 Lecture
Section 01
Embedded Control ECSE 1010 Lecture
Section 01
Embedded Control
11AM - 12PM
12PM - 1PM Ethan Wong ECSE 1010 Lecture
Section 02
Ethan Wong ECSE 1010 Lecture
Section 02
1PM - 2PM
2PM - 3PM Embedded Control Electric Circuits Embedded Control Matthew So
3PM - 4PM Hisen Zhang
3:30pm - 5:30pm
4PM - 5PM Electronic Instrumentation Electronic Instrumentation Kevin Raj
5PM - 6PM Kevin Raj & Vedran Beganovic
6PM - 7PM Mohtarima Begum Medha Pengxiang Huang & Xianfei Yang Vedran Beganovic
7PM - 8PM Pengxiang Huang